English / Japanese

Store Notes - Privacy Policy

"Use of Advertising ID"
A unique ID is used when displaying advertising.
This is the viewpoint of "data transmitted from an app".
I clearly stated to use it.

There is NO personal identification from this information.

"Save data"
This app does not acquire and store personal information.
Your favorite saved data will be shared by iCloud.
The text entered in the app is only used in the displayed part.

"Network Access"
It is used for advertisement display in the application.
It is used to use Apple's iTunes Search API when searching for Apps and so on.
The results of the search are based on the results of the iTunes Search API.

"About in-app purchases"
The add-on purchased in the app will be permanently added to the account.
Even if you delete the app, install it again, and do the same purchase operation, you will not be charged again.
For unification with account, things purchased with iPhone can also be used on iPad.

Tadashi Atoji
Web Site: Cocoamix.jp